guys always stare at me but never say anything to me. It hurts that guys never approach me. Lol. Lol. Hi I'm 17 years old and every time I go out anywhere guys usually stare at me. Thank you. Every time I'm in class I always catch guys staring at me but they never approach me. ... Why do guys stare at me but never approach Why do men look at me as if they find me attractive but never approach me . ... What Do Guys Think When They Stare At Why won't he approach me? He is unable to approach you because he is unaware of the how. 25. I'd be grateful if some guys could possibly let me know why certain guys just stare at me but don't say anything? Why guys stare but don t approach me? I don't get it. Why Does He Stare At Me But Never Makes A Move - 26. Seriously not trying to be conceited but it hurts. Heyy, I'm 15 and I'm a really friendly person, smiley and down-to-earth. I know it sounds completely conceited, but I've always been told that I'm really pretty - not just by friends and family but also by complete strangers. This has annoyed me for a while. why do guys do that? I have been told my many people that I'm attractive but yet no guy approaches me. Why do men stare and smile at me but never approach me? Just a curious question, I hope it's ok to post this on here. Lots of guys stare at me but don't approach ... For ... Why do you men stare and never approach ... Why does he keep staring at me but never approach? Just a curious question, I hope it's ok to post this on here. Guys will stare at me in bars but I look like a cross between Shay Mitchell and Why do men stare and smile at me but never approach me? Guys will stare at me in bars but never approach me. Why do guys never approach me? I've never been asked out or asked for my number (well apart from this one time, but this guy was way older than me and no ... Don't stare, just glance and wait until he notices you are looking at him. Why do men stare at me but not approach me? Why Do Guys Stare At Me But Never Approach Me? I've been told in the past that I'm attra Especially in bars. I have only went on two dates this year. ... Why does he keep staring at me but never approach? guys always stare at me but never say anything to me. Answers to the question, Guys What Makes You Stare At A Girl? I don't think I imagine this, but of course I never why do guys do that? Why do guys stare at me but don't approach ... keep going to clubs to meet guys, because fuckboys never go ... Any advice on why do guys stare at me Why is it that guys don't approach me that often but they stare like they are interested? Why do guys stare at me but never approach me? Some guys stare right at ... or why does a guy stare at a woman but not approach will and has ... play your part too. Thank you. I don't get it. Especially in bars. Here is the truth about why most men stare but never approach a woman. I've noticed guys stare at me all the time, but they'll never approach me. This has annoyed me for a while. Guys tend to look at me a lot not my body but my face but they never come and talk to me I was wondering what in his mind ? how come they will look at you ..give you eye contact( not really smiling) but never actually end up approaching you? It's possible that my situation is a bit different than normal (I'm a senior in high school), but this has been happening a lot. Kind of depends how long they stare at you for, what your age gap between and them are, and if its the same people who keep doing it. I've never been asked out or asked for my number (well apart from this one time, but this guy was way older than me and no I have been told my many people that I'm attractive but yet no guy approaches me. Based on my knowledge of women and men and Post to Facebook . What are some reasons they do this? ~ I am a man who believes romance should never die, ... Why Do Guys Stare at Me?

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